Solar Panels almost sound futuristic, but Solar Panels are here to stay. They convert the power of the sun into electricity for us to use and control in our own homes or business. They are expensive, and that is their biggest problem, but in some instances the government offers rebates when we convert to power generated by the sun.
No matter the cost some prefer to be self-sufficient and free from government control over their daily lives. One of the advantages of having Solar Panels will be you will not only have all the power you want, but in some instances you may be able to sell your power back to the electric company. Don’t ask how they do that, it takes smarter people than me to know the ins and outs of Orange County solar power. Does it mean that the utility companies will be sending me a check instead of a bill? Doubtful, they will only give you a credit to your account, but that is still better than a bill.
Solar Panels sound great, and many companies now produce the panels for sale to the general public. Evidently they haven’t figured out how to use those same panels to make ours and when they do that, they will be more efficient. But for now it will take years for our Solar Panels to pay for themselves when you consider the cost from beginning to end.
Nevertheless, we would still be in control of our power. Think of that, no more black outs, no power outages when our neighborhood goes dark. When the utility company turns off the power to save energy we can laugh at them because that is when they will be buying power from our unit.
How long should the panels last and work to produce our electricity? Some are under warranty for twenty-five years. In other words, they will last a long time heating the water in your swimming pool, keeping our house lower than seventy degrees in the summer, and heating it so we never have to worry about our bill going up.
With the new energy efficient electric cars, will our solar panels charge those so we will no longer need to charge them on the same utility bill as our home? That would be a good question for the sellers to answer, but if we can charge the cars in our garage at night, then it only stands to reason that our panels would charge them as well. If that is the case, the Solar Panels will pay for themselves much sooner than promised before.
SolarGem specializes in Orange County solar power, Riverside solar power, San Bernardino solar power, Los Angeles solar power, Orange County solar panels, Riverside solar panels, San Bernardino solar panels, and Los Angeles solar panels.
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Friday, September 30, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Solar Energy In The Winter
With summer now firmly behind us and early fall right in front of us, there is a tendency for homeowners to begin thinking about rising electrical costs due to the constant use of heaters as the weather steadily cools.
Electric heaters, much like air conditioners, consume a great deal of energy when used. Even a moderately warm winter and fall will have some very cold moments that will provoke homeowners into utilizing their heaters while sleeping and while work so that their homes are warm when they arrive in the afternoon and evening. Even periodic use of a heater in such a manner tends to run up an electric bill and run them up quickly.
When faced with the rapidly rising costs of electrical energy for their homes, many homeowners begin to seriously consider having a solar power system installed within their home. Doing so will allow them to either reduce their electrical costs considerably or eliminate them altogether. In either scenario a homeowner can utilize a heater in even the coldest winters for extended periods of time without ever having to worry about a surprisingly large bill at the end of the month.
Should you have any questions about energy efficiency or about solar power systems please be sure to contact us that we may help.
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
Electric heaters, much like air conditioners, consume a great deal of energy when used. Even a moderately warm winter and fall will have some very cold moments that will provoke homeowners into utilizing their heaters while sleeping and while work so that their homes are warm when they arrive in the afternoon and evening. Even periodic use of a heater in such a manner tends to run up an electric bill and run them up quickly.
When faced with the rapidly rising costs of electrical energy for their homes, many homeowners begin to seriously consider having a solar power system installed within their home. Doing so will allow them to either reduce their electrical costs considerably or eliminate them altogether. In either scenario a homeowner can utilize a heater in even the coldest winters for extended periods of time without ever having to worry about a surprisingly large bill at the end of the month.
Should you have any questions about energy efficiency or about solar power systems please be sure to contact us that we may help.
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
Friday, September 23, 2011
Solar Power: Adding Value To Your Home
Homeowners install solar power systems in their homes primarily to reduce or eliminate the costs associated with using electricity in their home. Those homeowners who can afford to do so often have a top-of-the-line power system installed in their home that completely takes them "off the grid" and eliminates their electricity bill altogether. However even individuals operating on a smaller budget can have a solar power system installed that will reduce their electric bill by a large percentage.
What you don't hear a lot about is the appreciation value that a solar power system gives to any home to which it's installed in. Homes with solar power systems carry considerably more value than do homes without. What this essentially means is that any homeowner selling a home with a solar power system in it will likely sell the home for much more than someone would selling the exact same home without a solar power system in. If you're on the fence about solar power for you home consider the added financial value a solar power system carries with it.
If you're looking to both reduce the cost of energy consumption and add value to your home consider installing a solar power system. We can assist you with that and we urge you to contact us should you have any questions about the systems.
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
What you don't hear a lot about is the appreciation value that a solar power system gives to any home to which it's installed in. Homes with solar power systems carry considerably more value than do homes without. What this essentially means is that any homeowner selling a home with a solar power system in it will likely sell the home for much more than someone would selling the exact same home without a solar power system in. If you're on the fence about solar power for you home consider the added financial value a solar power system carries with it.
If you're looking to both reduce the cost of energy consumption and add value to your home consider installing a solar power system. We can assist you with that and we urge you to contact us should you have any questions about the systems.
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Space Based Solar Power
The technology surrounding solar power has grown considerably in the last couple of decades and shows no signs of slowing down or becoming stagnant. Scientists are working around-the-clock and discovering new ways with which to capture and convert the suns energy into usable power.
One of the hypothetical technologies being seriously looked at by solar scientists is space-based solar power. Space based solar power or "SPS" aims to capture solar energy in space utilizing panels on satellites. This energy would then be transferred down to earth in a usable form of household energy. This technology holds a lot of hope for a huge leap in solar power as the suns energy is unaffected by seasons, weather, or day and night when it's captured and converted out in space.
In the coming years and decades we expect there to be big breakthroughs were SPS is concerned. As this technology moves from hypothesis to workable theory and application it will only become even more promising and efficient.
Should you have any questions about space based solar power or about solar power systems in general please be sure to contact us so that we may be of assistance!
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
One of the hypothetical technologies being seriously looked at by solar scientists is space-based solar power. Space based solar power or "SPS" aims to capture solar energy in space utilizing panels on satellites. This energy would then be transferred down to earth in a usable form of household energy. This technology holds a lot of hope for a huge leap in solar power as the suns energy is unaffected by seasons, weather, or day and night when it's captured and converted out in space.
In the coming years and decades we expect there to be big breakthroughs were SPS is concerned. As this technology moves from hypothesis to workable theory and application it will only become even more promising and efficient.
Should you have any questions about space based solar power or about solar power systems in general please be sure to contact us so that we may be of assistance!
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Exterior Solar Power Systems
If you were to visit 10 homes that utilize solar power it is likely you would find at least a few that put captured energy to use outdoors. Not all solar power systems are designed to power both the interior and exterior of a home or business but those that do save homeowners and business owners even more money than those that don't. Solar power applied to lighting fixtures and signs outside can keep those things running all night, every night without costing an individual much money if any at all.
Should you have questions about exterior solar power systems please be sure to contact us and we'll be happy that answer any you have.
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tips For Using Electricity Efficiently
While utilizing solar power is the most efficient way to reduce energy costs and save money on electricity, there many other ways to use energy efficiently and reduce electricity usage in cases where a family or individual may not be able to afford a solar power system.
The vast majority of electrical use in a home comes from air-conditioning and heater use. Both of these can quickly run up an electric bill because families normally run them for long periods of time and sometimes leave them on while they're away at work and school. In actuality however this is a complete waste of energy and money. While it's true that a heater or AC unit will need to be on in order to make a home comfortable, individuals can do things like set timers on their heaters and AC's and can also make sure window shutters, blinds, and draperies are closed over windows during the times that they are not home. Doing so will help keep heat out of the home during the summer and help trap heat inside the home during the winter. This means that they'll need to run their heater or air conditioning far less than they would had they not made sure their windows were recovered properly.
By running air-conditioning and heating only when people are in a home and by keeping windows covered and closed properly homeowners can reduce the cost of energy consumption and their electric bill by noticeable figures right away. Dressing for the season, even while in the home, will also save homeowners money on their energy bill. They can also utilize blankets and fans as alternatives to prolonged heater and air conditioning use.
Should you have any questions about solar power systems or about how to reduce energy consumption and your electric bill please do not hesitate to contact us so that we may be of assistance!
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
The vast majority of electrical use in a home comes from air-conditioning and heater use. Both of these can quickly run up an electric bill because families normally run them for long periods of time and sometimes leave them on while they're away at work and school. In actuality however this is a complete waste of energy and money. While it's true that a heater or AC unit will need to be on in order to make a home comfortable, individuals can do things like set timers on their heaters and AC's and can also make sure window shutters, blinds, and draperies are closed over windows during the times that they are not home. Doing so will help keep heat out of the home during the summer and help trap heat inside the home during the winter. This means that they'll need to run their heater or air conditioning far less than they would had they not made sure their windows were recovered properly.
By running air-conditioning and heating only when people are in a home and by keeping windows covered and closed properly homeowners can reduce the cost of energy consumption and their electric bill by noticeable figures right away. Dressing for the season, even while in the home, will also save homeowners money on their energy bill. They can also utilize blankets and fans as alternatives to prolonged heater and air conditioning use.
Should you have any questions about solar power systems or about how to reduce energy consumption and your electric bill please do not hesitate to contact us so that we may be of assistance!
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
Monday, September 12, 2011
Solar Power: Why And How Long
Occasionally some of our clients and prospective clients ask us both why we are able to utilize solar power and how long will solar power be a viable energy source. There are relatively simple answers that explain quite a bit and give customers who might otherwise remain apprehensive about purchasing a solar power system the go-ahead and peace of mind they need in order to purchase one.
As far as why we're able to utilize solar power goes, the sun being a star produces a tremendous amount of energy every second of every day. In fact just a small amount of energy from our closest star could power the entire planet for a long period of time that is if it could be harnessed to that great degree. Modern solar power focuses on capturing sunlight that beats down directly on the panels and converts it to usable electricity or energy for single home or building. Over the course of the 20th century and the last decade solar power technologies have advanced incredibly enabling families to both reduce electricity costs and in some cases eliminate their electric bill altogether.
So how long will human beings be able to utilize solar power? The answer is essentially a long as humans continue to exist. Undoubtedly the technology will continue to grow by leaps and bounds in the coming years and decades but solar energy is dependent on essentially one thing above all others, the sun. So long as the sun shines and continues to fuse heavier and heavier elements there will be energy available for capture and conversion. With a time frame of at least billions of years, were not going to lose the ability to utilize solar energy anytime soon.
Should you have any questions about solar energy are solar power systems for your home or for your business please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to answer them all!
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
As far as why we're able to utilize solar power goes, the sun being a star produces a tremendous amount of energy every second of every day. In fact just a small amount of energy from our closest star could power the entire planet for a long period of time that is if it could be harnessed to that great degree. Modern solar power focuses on capturing sunlight that beats down directly on the panels and converts it to usable electricity or energy for single home or building. Over the course of the 20th century and the last decade solar power technologies have advanced incredibly enabling families to both reduce electricity costs and in some cases eliminate their electric bill altogether.
So how long will human beings be able to utilize solar power? The answer is essentially a long as humans continue to exist. Undoubtedly the technology will continue to grow by leaps and bounds in the coming years and decades but solar energy is dependent on essentially one thing above all others, the sun. So long as the sun shines and continues to fuse heavier and heavier elements there will be energy available for capture and conversion. With a time frame of at least billions of years, were not going to lose the ability to utilize solar energy anytime soon.
Should you have any questions about solar energy are solar power systems for your home or for your business please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to answer them all!
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Modern Solar Power's Beginnings
We've previously spent considerable time talking about the history of solar power and how even prehistoric man utilized solar power on a daily basis. While we haven't talked much about however is how "modern solar power" first came into existence. The topic is an interesting one and goes back quite a ways.
Modern solar power has its beginnings firmly rooted in 1839 when French physicist Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel (right) first observed the photovoltaic effect via an electrode placed in a conductive solution that was exposed to light. Though it would be several more decades before Willoughby Smith, an electrical engineer, would discover that selenium showed photoconductivity which helped move technology forward considerably, Becquerel discovery is solely responsible for modern solar power.
The technology surrounding solar power systems continued to grow rapidly over the course of both the 19th and 20th centuries. Now in the new millennium solar power has seen even greater leaps and bounds as far as efficiency and cost are concerned. Should you have any questions regarding solar power please do not hesitate to contact us so that we may be of assistance!
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
Modern solar power has its beginnings firmly rooted in 1839 when French physicist Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel (right) first observed the photovoltaic effect via an electrode placed in a conductive solution that was exposed to light. Though it would be several more decades before Willoughby Smith, an electrical engineer, would discover that selenium showed photoconductivity which helped move technology forward considerably, Becquerel discovery is solely responsible for modern solar power.
The technology surrounding solar power systems continued to grow rapidly over the course of both the 19th and 20th centuries. Now in the new millennium solar power has seen even greater leaps and bounds as far as efficiency and cost are concerned. Should you have any questions regarding solar power please do not hesitate to contact us so that we may be of assistance!
SolarGem specializes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
Friday, September 9, 2011
Solar Power At Night
We often feild a large number of questions from prospective clients who want to know a bit more about solar power before they ever commit to purchasing a solar power system. To of the most commonly asked questions are "how does solar power work at night?" and "can I utilize my solar power at night?".
Obviously the sun doesn't shine 24 hours a day and even when it does there are days where it's extremely overcast or the sky is covered in stormclouds. Some of the more inexpensive and hastily put together solar power systems have trouble harnessing, converting, and storing energy during these times. More modern and more efficient solar power systems however apply new technologies that allow it to store sunlight so that it can be used when it is needed most, during any of the aforementioned times.
Some solar power systems are capable of storing the sun's energy by utilizing batteries, though those tend to be bulky and expensive, while others compress air to store the energy and uncompress it when it is needed. The problem with the latter however is that only about 80% of the solar power compressed is recovered when it is uncompressed. The more efficient solar power systems these days however store the suns energy as heat rather than converted electricity or some form of compressed energy. Storing heat is far more efficient and easy than many other methods as well. This can be done by utilizing a salt storage equipped solar power unit.
If you have any questions regarding how solar power works at night or how a system you might be interested in can store energy for those times please be sure to contact us so that we may be of assistance!
SolarGem specailizes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
Obviously the sun doesn't shine 24 hours a day and even when it does there are days where it's extremely overcast or the sky is covered in stormclouds. Some of the more inexpensive and hastily put together solar power systems have trouble harnessing, converting, and storing energy during these times. More modern and more efficient solar power systems however apply new technologies that allow it to store sunlight so that it can be used when it is needed most, during any of the aforementioned times.
Some solar power systems are capable of storing the sun's energy by utilizing batteries, though those tend to be bulky and expensive, while others compress air to store the energy and uncompress it when it is needed. The problem with the latter however is that only about 80% of the solar power compressed is recovered when it is uncompressed. The more efficient solar power systems these days however store the suns energy as heat rather than converted electricity or some form of compressed energy. Storing heat is far more efficient and easy than many other methods as well. This can be done by utilizing a salt storage equipped solar power unit.
If you have any questions regarding how solar power works at night or how a system you might be interested in can store energy for those times please be sure to contact us so that we may be of assistance!
SolarGem specailizes in:
Orange County Solar - San Bernardino Solar - Riverside Solar - Los Angeles Solar - Orange County Solar Power - Riverside Solar Power - San Bernardino Solar Power - Los Angeles Solar Power - Orange Solar - Los Angeles Solar Panels - Orange County Solar Panels - Riverside Solar Panels - Solar Panels San Bernardino
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